Handwritten SVG Practice
June 18 2020
A few months back I found a copy of SVG Essentials at a used bookstore in Yokosuka. It came out in 2002, but I think I'll learn quite a bit by working my way through it.CSS, HTML, SVG, code
Flexbox Practice
June 17 2020
I'm doing another one of these on my phone, so this one may be more for quick reference than real practice. They can't all be perfect, but every little bit helps.CSS, HTML, code
First attempt at CSS 3D Jewel Case
June 16 2020
I'd like to figure out how to create a pseudo-3D jewel case that I can manipulate with CSS animation. This is my first attempt at it, and it's not too good. Going to have to learn more and expand on it in the future.CSS, HTML, code
Multi-column Practice
June 15 2020
I'm feeling a tad burned out on doing these everyday, but I'm going to keep on practicing. Today's is just some random practice with multi-column layout.CSS, HTML, code
CSS Grid Sprite Practice
June 14 2020
When I did my Everyday Dev coding challenge I built a Mario sprite using CSS grid. I thought I'd give it another shot with Mega Man. I don't think I can finish the whole sprite, so I've just done part of his helmet. I'll call it good since I've had a bit of CSS Grid, variable and Emmett practice today. I need to figure out a much more effecient method for any future CSS-only sprites.CSS, HTML, code, sprites
CSS Writing Mode Practice
June 13 2020
I've worked a bit with writing modes in the past, but I have trouble recalling all the various modes. I learned a little bit more today within the small amount of time I've spent on today's practice. Gotta keep at it.CSS, HTML, code
CSS Calc Function Practice
June 12 2020
Practiced using the calc() function in CSS. I don't have a strong understanding of the best ways to use it at the moment, but I know a lot of the developers and designers I follow put it to good use. There's always more to do and more things to improve.CSS, HTML, code
Positioning and Video Practice
June 11 2020
Today's practice was interesting. I got my first arcade cabinet in Animal Crossing New Horizons today and I thought to myself, how difficult would it be to place a video on the screen of the arcade cabinet? Turns out it was a little tricky and I'm not sure if I can distort it with just CSS to simulate the type of screen that you might see on a real arcade cabinet. It served as a good refresher on the video element and will probably only work properly if your browser supports autoplay on videos. It doesn't work on iOS Safari.CSS, HTML, code
More 3D transforms practice
June 10 2020
After having some fun with the 3d transforms I did yesterday, I thought I'd try animating a button in 3d. It took a bit of time to get a decent result that I am okay with, but I want to figure out how to get the crispest image. I have much to learn and I look forward to it.CSS, HTML, code
Backface-visibility and 3D transforms practice
June 9 2020
I've never used the backface-visibility property before and I've rarely done any 3d transformations as well. Today's a good day to give them a try.CSS, HTML, code