Change is afoot
January 23 2024
I’m working on the next version of this website.
Making progress
September 26 2021
I took some time to figure out how to self host my Git repositories, and I have now have a new version of this site in the works.
Working with print styles in CSS
December 18 2020
Today, I was working on recreating my resume in HTML form so it can be a living document that I can keep it updated and do some interesting things with it.
Nihongo Note 002
September 9 2020
Sticking with this format for these for the time being.
Nihongo note 001
September 8 2020
I’m trying to figure out the best way to track my Japanese studies.
Trying new snacks in Japan
May 5 2020
While living in Japan I have come across a wide variety of snacks, and today I’m going to start sharing more of them.
Statue of Sontoku
February 17 2020
I spotted this statue when taking a trip with my daughter to Tokyo to visit some friends.
Time for a restart
January 29 2020
I’m back! It’s the year 2020 and I still don’t have this section of the site linked on the homepage. It’s time to change that. I just made the mistake of writing out a whole post and then navigating away from the page, which resulted in me losing everything…
Design for Real Life
October 28 2019
My subscription trial for Envato Elements has ended and I only managed to read one other book during the trial. Luckily it was a great one. I read Design for Real Life by Eric Meyer and Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
Katsuya’s Curry Udon Negi Katsudon
June 22 2019
Katsuya is a restaurant chain in Japan that serves some some of the best katsu you’ll ever have, and it’s very affordable.