Laying out a Mega Drive cartridge case cover
For Father's Day I received a game coupon allowing me to pick any game I'd like to have and be treated to it. Most modern games on systems like the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 start around $60, so I asked if I could instead get two cheaper retro games. One of them being a Sega Mega Drive game. I have yet to play it, but it prompted me to try and lay out the front of the game case using flexbox. I'll give it a better go at a later date.
Mega Drive Cartridgeメガドライブ壱二
Game Name Game Subtitle
ゲームの名前 〜ゲームの字幕〜
- 1Player
- Strategy
- Memory Back Up
View the code:
<div class="codedoodle-block">
<h6 class="mega-drive-top-text"><span class="english-txt">Mega Drive Cartridge</span><span class="japanese-txt">メガドライブ壱二</span></h6>
<h1 class="eng-game-name">Game Name <span class="eng-subhead">Game Subtitle</span></h1>
<h2 class="jpn-game-name">ゲームの名前 <span class="jpn-subhead">〜ゲームの字幕〜</span></h2>
<div class="stretch">
<ul class="cartridge-box-etc">
<li class="player-count"><span>1</span>Player</li>
<li class="game-type">Strategy</li>
<li class="extra-feature">Memory Back Up</li>
<li class="sega-logo">
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