WWDC 2019 starts tomorrow

For a long time now I’ve wanted to go to WWDC. It seems like a fun and interesting event that would give me more insight into what’s coming from Apple this fall. Unfortunately I wouldn’t actually benefit from going that much since I don’t currently develop anything for iOS or macOS. I attempted to do so with the first iteration of Meng To’s Design + Code, but didn’t get very far with it at all. It wasn’t due to a lack of quality info from Meng, it was my inability to focus and put the time into it. To get back into that area now, I’d need to buy a new Mac that will support the current and next few versions of macOS. That’s very unlikely to open soon, so I’ll just see what I’ll be able to take advantage of in regards to iOS. I’ve loved working with the 2018 iPad with Apple Pencil support. Hopefully it’ll last at least two years before the hardware can no longer fully support the software designed for its successors.
Speaking of successors, the new Mac Pro might be mentioned during tomorrow’s keynote. I’m excited about seeing it, but I’m a little terrified of the price of it and the new monitor that might be coming out alongside the Mac Pro. $7000 for the combo may put the Mac Pro and its ultimate setup way outside my price range for a long time. I might have to settle with a 12” iPad Pro and a Mac Mini with a large amount of ram that I can eventually connect to an external GPU. That might not be a bad situation after all. The 2018 iPad Pro’s are pretty powerful and the design of the hardware is fantastic.