Sharing what I learn, make, find, think, and enjoy.
Conic Gradients
June 1 2020
I've never used conic gradients and wanted to give them a try. It looks like the spec is still in the works, but it looks like it will be really useful when it has better browser support. Right now the gradient won't display on Firefox, so I have to keep that in mind. I'm not sure if the solution of using a second layer is ideal, so I'll have to keep that in mind if I plan on using them. -
Learning CSS Variables
May 31 2020
Having never used CSS Variables before, I thought I should give it a shot. If you haven't ever used them, I recommend reading up on them. Check out Mozilla Developer Network to learn more. -
Trying new snacks in Japan
May 5 2020
While living in Japan I have come across a wide variety of snacks, and today I’m going to start sharing more of them.
Statue of Sontoku
February 17 2020
I spotted this statue when taking a trip with my daughter to Tokyo to visit some friends.
Trying to get back into learning Japanese
February 4 2020
I’m a little embarrassed to write this, but after living in Japan, for almost 4 years, I still don’t…
Time for a restart
January 29 2020
I’m back! It’s the year 2020 and I still don’t have this section of the site linked on the homepage. It’s time to change that. I just made the mistake of writing out a whole post and then navigating away from the page, which resulted in me losing everything…
Design for Real Life
October 28 2019
My subscription trial for Envato Elements has ended and I only managed to read one other book during the trial. Luckily it was a great one. I read Design for Real Life by Eric Meyer and Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
Taking the time to read more books
September 25 2019
Before I turned 34, I took a bit of time to think of some things I’d like finish or start doing more while I’m 34. Reading more books, preferably more of the ones I already own, was high on the list.
Katsuya’s Curry Udon Negi Katsudon
June 22 2019
Katsuya is a restaurant chain in Japan that serves some some of the best katsu you’ll ever have, and it’s very affordable.
CodePen testing
June 21 2019