Posts tagged with links
Spicing up links
April 16 2021
I saw some fantastic link styling on a website called CSS { In Real Life }, designed and built by Michelle Barker, and I thought I’d try and figure out how to recreate it. I don’t think I’ve played with
before, and I’m glad I came across CSS { In Real Life } and its cool link styling. It’s subtle, but really stood out to me. I’m excited to put it into use. -
Update links when audio plays
April 6 2021
While listening to today’s episode of the Shop Talk Show, 457: CSS Colors Fun, HSL, Updates from Browser Land, Pseudo Selectors, and Responsive Design Questions, Dave and Chris discussed the experience of clicking on links that take you off of a page that has audio playing. I thought I’d give updating links when audio is playing and removing the
when the audio is paused. I really like this idea and I think I’ll put it to use whenever I get more audio on this site. I’ll be sure to make it look much nicer. -
Back to Work | Episode #430: Shiny Red Cleric
June 17 2019