Posts tagged with web development
Design for Real Life
October 28 2019
My subscription trial for Envato Elements has ended and I only managed to read one other book during the trial. Luckily it was a great one. I read Design for Real Life by Eric Meyer and Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
Taking the time to read more books
September 25 2019
Before I turned 34, I took a bit of time to think of some things I’d like finish or start doing more while I’m 34. Reading more books, preferably more of the ones I already own, was high on the list.
CSS Grid changed the game
June 11 2019
I just wanted to rant positively for a moment about something that made my day better.
Where it all started.
May 31 2019
The first book that I ever read about HTML was Elizabeth Castro’s HTML for the World Wide Web.