Cat Spotting - Daydreamsicle
June 6 2019
While out for a visit to my father-in-law with my wife, I spotted this adventurous cat relaxing on top of a Suntory vending machine.
Repurpose for what purpose?
June 5 2019
After my late 2011 MBP died for the first time, and lived a short second life, I’ve wondered what I could do with it.
The new Mac Pro is way out of my league
June 4 2019
The recently announced 2019 Mac Pro is a beast of a machine.
WWDC 2019 starts tomorrow
June 3 2019
For a long time now I’ve wanted to go to WWDC. It seems like a fun and interesting event that would give me more insight into what’s coming from Apple this fall.
Where it all started.
May 31 2019
The first book that I ever read about HTML was Elizabeth Castro’s HTML for the World Wide Web.
Wordpress in 2019
April 23 2019
I’m back working in Wordpress again for a current project, and I’m liking the changes and new features that I’m seeing.